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Visiting Hours and Visitation Rules

  • For patients receiving inpatient care at our hospital, visiting hours are from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

  • Please keep the visit duration as short as possible.

  • Visits in large groups are not allowed.

  • Patients diagnosed with a contagious or epidemic disease or those with any reason prohibiting their visitation should not be visited.

  • During visits, strict adherence to social distancing, wearing masks, hand hygiene, and other precautions is essential.

  • Visits to patients prohibited by their physician for medical reasons should not be insisted upon.

  • To protect patients from infection, live and artificial flowers are not accepted in patient rooms.

  • Bringing food and beverages for patients is prohibited for the health and safety of our patients.

  • Before and after visits, hand hygiene must be maintained by washing hands or using hand sanitizer.

  • During visits, care should be taken not to touch medical equipment in the patient’s room or sit on the patient’s bed to prevent infection transmission.

  • Visitors should respect patient privacy by leaving the room during medical treatments, examinations, and care procedures.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited within the hospital premises.
    Loud talking and noise are not allowed within the hospital to ensure patients’ health and tranquility. It is kindly requested to set mobile phones to silent mode.

  • Compliance with hospital visitation rules by visitors is crucial for the uninterrupted treatment, privacy, and hygiene of our patients.


  • Children with a history of illness/contact or showing symptoms of viral respiratory tract infection (fever, rash, runny nose, cough, etc.) are not allowed to visit the hospital.

  • There is no restriction on the visitation of children without a history of illness or active infection.
  • For visitors under the age of 16, parents or accompanying adults are responsible during the entire visit.
  • Visitor children are allowed to enter the unit after hand hygiene at the entrance.
  • In case of any epidemic situation (community/hospital-related), the Infection Control Committee and/or unit supervisor may prohibit visits or change visitation hours in emergency unit situations.
  • Treatment materials related to the patient, such as a serum set or oxygen monitor, should not be touched or played with.
  • To ensure patients are not disturbed, loud talking or noise is not allowed in rooms and corridors.